pro·m·emo Relief essence 20ml
The pro•m•emo RELIEF essence for processing GRIEF/ MELANCHOLY, may assist with processing feelings of grief, melancholy, regret, jealousy, unworthiness, pain, loss and hopelessness. Also use pro•m•emo Relief if you are whiney, disappointed or intolerant.
Enjoy the feeling of relief spread through out your mind and body when using the pro•m•emo essence Relief.
Directions: Single pro•m•emo use: place 3 drops under the tongue for a mild emotional disturbance (5 drops for a significant disturbance) or add to 1 cup of water. Take the required dose, a minimum of 4 times a day. Multiple pro•m•emo use: add 3 drops of each single remedy (up to 5 remedies, excluding Peace) into a 30ml/ 1oz mixing bottle and then use as above.
George –
I use the essences personally, with my family and I recommend it to my clients professionally. They are easy to use and, based on my experiences, very effective.