anger ┃ joy/sadness ┃ worry / overthinking ┃ grief /melancholy┃fear


Strengthen your emotional processing system when you’re experiencing emotional disturbances

pro•m•emo essences may assist you to process fear, love, sadness, grief, melancholy, emotional stress, terror, worry, loneliness, manic excitement, or other emotions that are extreme, ongoing or overwhelming you. They do not remove the feeling or emotion, but rather they assist you with processing those emotions so they do not get ‘stuck’ in your body and progress to physical symptoms.

Emotional health naturally

Understand the essences
and their applications

Each of the six essences has been formulated to assist with specific emotional challenges and to restore your emotional balance, helping you to live an emotionally responsive life of health and wellness.

Emotional health naturally

Improve your ability to respond to triggers

You gain the ability to respond to the initial trigger that initiated the emotion in a calm manner, so your body is not subjected to emotional extremes and your health is maintained.

Process my emotions

Relieve emotional stress due to associated

Releasing stuck emotions may assist in preventing or relieving symptoms associated with those emotions, such as pain, restlessness, sleeplessness and fatigue.

“Your life can become a journey of calmness and inner peace, where emotions are felt and processed immediately, allowing you to respond and find solutions to the emotionally charged situation that life presents you”


Rhett Ogston, pro•m•emo creator


How the essences help you achieve emotional harmony

pro•m•emo essences fuse the healing power of Western science, Chinese herbs, homeopathic principles and flower essences.

Rooted in the Five Element Theory from ancient Chinese teachings, these unique bioenergetic blends were developed over 15 years of research and are designed to assist the body in processing emotions to prevent them from causing harm.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) teaches that if emotions are not properly processed, they will linger in the system and lead to symptoms. For example, rage is correlated with distended arteries and blood vessels, a raised voice, red eyes and rapid breathing.

pro•m•emo essences assist the body in processing these “stuck” emotions and maintaining emotional harmony.

Rhett Ogston for Qi health clinic

pro•m•emo released me from an expected lifetime of hurt

I am so thankful to have been introduced to such an amazing, inspiring yet simple treatment for something I believed would have a hold of me for the rest of my life”


pro•m•emo took the fear away from my cancer diagnosis

I was diagnosed with breast cancer and during the recovery phase I was given Pro.m.emo to help deal with all the overwhelming emotions that come with such a diagnosis. In particular was the sense of fear and worry. Pro.m.emo has been amazing. The tight stomach and tension eased right off. I was able to think straight and be present for my family and work efficiently regardless of my stressful situation. I highly recommend pro.m.emo to everyone.

– Julie

My head is finally clear

Pro.m.emo elixirs have worked wonders for me. When I feel anxious and when my mind will not switch off I take 3 drops of Calm and in minutes I am in a state to keep on going with my day, with a clear mind. I carry the set with me at all times. I wouldn’t be without it now.


“Calm” helped me let go of anxiety

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started taking ‘Calm’… never tried anything like this before. I was still experiencing my feelings of agitation when something upset me, but as I reflected on it a few days later, I realised that it wasn’t staying with me like it used to. I was letting go of my feelings of ‘upset’ with out immediately realising it.


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