FlameTree Immersive Course
Please proceed through checkout to place a $1000 deposit for the training, including seat reservation and preparation of training materials.
(from $14,999)
Upcoming Training Dates: March 8-13th 2024
Learn about the eight frequencies of the body, the human biofield, the Absolute Consciousness, the URC (fractal pattern of the bio-electric code physically expressed), cognitive resonance or dissonance, how to live in alignment, synergy, authenticity and synergism™, and the individual process to reach your optimal and true self, health and development.
Immerse yourself in a healing system that supports you in identifying, neutralizing and releasing ‘unhealthy bio-electric signals and cues’, creating healthy ones and supporting you to make them self-generating, while interrupting and changing your default neural pathways, so that you can live a more harmonious and peaceful life, or assist others to feel this too.
This is an offer for AUS-based health & wellness professionals
- Ground-breaking biofield MTRR
- Live biofield-story interpretation
- Learn the FlameTree System basic course
- All course materials [FlameTree manual, protocol & procedure]
- Immersive course taught by the founder
FlameTree: the personal development & healing system introduces mental flexibility to your life, and opens you to the possibility of responding (not reacting) to life, which is far more desirable. By applying flexibility to your championed and repressed behaviour, you can begin to understand that ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are a duality (the opposite sides of the same coin). You will then be able to see that there is no need for any tension to manifest. Reaching this mental state allows you to generate your own healthy bio-electric signals and cues and neural pathways, which may result in a healthier & more enlightened you. FlameTree: the personal development & healing system offer you a huge range of information from the multiple frequencies of the body included in the system. The materials and manuals are state-of-the-art in healing and bioenergetic medicine, providing you information and learning that will leave you on the edge of your seat ready to make unbelievable changes in your life. The FlameTree course makes learning about health and the human body simple and categorical, allowing absolutely anyone to learn it, especially qualified health practitioners. Payment plans available - paid in full 3 weeks prior to commencement date.
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2 reviews for FlameTree Immersive Course
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George Dellas –
Before doing the FlameTree course, although I was qualified in various disciplines, there was a feeling that I could do more for my clients, even though I was empathetic and put 100 per cent into all my consultations. Within the first hour of being in the FlameTree course, I immediately identified what was missing from my consultations, and that feeling was appeased!
What we learnt over the 4 days in the FlameTree is AMAZING! I had NO idea what to expect. This system has changed the way I think about and approach clients now… It does everything that I do, plus more… and it is not limited by the practitioner’s skill base – nor is the practitioner limited by their skill base in using the protocol! Irrespective of your background, from my personal experience, I can confidently say that FlameTree will not only enrich your life, it will enrich what you already know, add to your skill level and achieve outcomes that you did not think possible.
This is something that in my opinion every practitioner of whatever modality needs to have as their “GPS” to healing their clients! I know this is a big statement to make, but after my experience with it, this is the system that I have been searching for!! I can see the FlameTree being a foundational module for every health care practitioner…
FlameTree integrates science-healing-art-spirituality-environment-body systems-and more – it is at the cutting edge of healing! As you know I have studied many different healing techniques – and from my experience nothing comes close to the FlameTree approach.
My life has changed forever!
I encourage anyone who is genuinely interested in assisting people to create changes in their life to consider embarking on a FlameTree career pathway, or at the very least learn FlameTree to assist yourself and family.
dmagoffin –
I recently participated in the 5 day FlameTree personal development and Bio-energetic healing system course presented by Dr Rhett Ogston (Chinese Medicine). This course was held in Melbourne. The significance of this is I live in Brisbane and had to step well and truly out of my comfort zone travelling on my own, staying in a serviced apartment and catching public transport without accompanying fear or panic. The personal development results are reflected in my recent trip to Canberra when I not only did not sweat the small stuff; rather I noticed the small stuff like noting the details of my long park so I could easily locate my car on arrival back in Brisbane. Since completing the course I have noticed a heightened awareness of my buttons being pushed accompanied by an ability to state either my case and not pretend to have it handled, accept things the way they are letting go of attachment to it being a certain way or outcome and most astonishingly feel the reaction but not act on that reaction demonstrating empathy with the button pusher. I find myself “forgiving myself” for not being perfect at least once a day when I slip into old ways of behaving and bestowing this gift upon others when they mess it up. As an educator I have always had one rule” take care of yourself so you can take care of others and stuff” often forgetting the first part “take care of yourself”. This heightened self-awareness had given me insight into unproductive habits and offers me the possibility of creating better ones even as simple as “rest you are tired!”
As a student of Bio-energetic healing I am now privileged to work with others to offer a healing system that works through accessing a client’s innate wisdom to prioritise whatever it is the client needs to deal with to live life optimally and purposefully. The FlameTree healing system identifies blockages in energetic communication which causes dis-ease and offers the possibility of healthy energetic signals and cues leading to healing. Even as a student my case study client’s are achieving breakthroughs in areas of importance to them: one example being – a client stuck or unsuccessful in dating turned around to find herself having fun meeting nice people and having great experiences.
I recommend you take a look at this course while thinking about what you want for yourself and others. There is a saying “once you make a decision, if that decision is for your higher good, the universe will support you in achieving whatever you seek”. I believe my decision to participate in The FlameTree personal development and healing course has delivered both personal development and healing for myself and for my family as well as other tangible physical results particularly overcoming my overwhelm and panic around catching planes, buses, trams and trains, travelling through tunnels and finding parking spaces!